What does this do?
A clock for displaying and timekeeping at competitive performances.
More information please
Our local magic club competition has a time limit of 8-12 minutes. Less than 8, not enough, disqualified. More than 12, too much, disqualified. To make things easier the timekeeper holds up a green card at 8 minutes, a yellow card at 10 and a red at 12.
So why do you need this?
The intention is twofold. At my last club competition the timekeeper clocked me at 11 minutes 40 seconds. But when I watched back a video of the act it was 9 minutes and 50 seconds. Not only that but after speaking to the other competitors, none of us had seen him hold up any cards at all. In short, I want to replace his squishy fallible human brain with the cold hard computatonal logic of... um... javascript.
The second reason for this is that the last few times I performed on a decent stage, they had a goddamn clock in the front centre of the stage between the foldback speakers so we could tell if some part of our act had taken too long and we had to speed up. I see no reason why a small club competition should require performers to maintain a better internal clock than the experts playing in grand theatres.
Okay explain the features
The font size of the clock can be altered in the setup screen, and the minimum, maximum and warning times can also be set. When the clock is initialised from this page, those are locked in for every performance and the app goes fullscreen and darkmode. Unlike a regular stop watch, if the timekeeper incorrectly hits the stop button thinking the act is over when infact there is more, the resume button will not only restart the clock, but add the time it was paused for, counting it all as part of the main performance. After a time is recorded, the clock can be reset and another performer may begin.
The time is initially displayed in blue. When the clock goes over the minimum time the colou changes to green. After the warning time, it goes to yellow, and then finally to red when the performer is disqualified.
the intention is that this screen can be setup to face the performer on a laptop or tablet PC, and the time keeper will sit beside it to control and note the times. I advise that when using this timer, you set your screen timeout to longer than the max performance time.